Friday, February 27, 2009

Back in the USA

Well, now I am back in the USA...back in my hometown of Austin, Texas. I am enjoying the cool sunny Texas spring weather, and the laid back Austin lifestyle. The job market isn't too bad, and I have been interviewing for positions involving law.

I bought a bicycle, and am living a low budget lifestyle while I get settled in. I hope to get a temporary job, take the patent bar, get a job as a patent agent, take the Texas state bar, and then either move up or get a better paying job as an attorney. This will all take some time, so I am practicing patience.

I am also practicing Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, every morning at around 6 am, with my father. I recommend Yoga to anyone who wants to feel more vital during the day, and sleep better at night. You can view my resume at, if you want to check out my qualifications.

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